computer-conceptsComputer Concepts

Computer Concepts

Learn Computer Concepts in FREE step-by-step lessons.

Computer ConceptsComputer Concepts

About this course

There is no doubt that computers and computer technology are changing the world.

It is having an impact on everything: from agriculture, sports, health and social interactions, and education.

In these lessons you will learn how the computer works, where it came from, and where it is going.

You will learn how to make the most of your own computer and the internet, and how to do it safely.

Digital Technology +/-

Understand how representing information digitally allows that information to be stored,
transported, shared, and manipulated in ways previously not possible.
Understand the basic principles and terms of digital technology.

Number Systems: Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, RGB Colors +/-

Understand the different number systems used by computers and how to convert from one notation to another.

Read the Lesson

printable lesson
  1. INDEX (start here)
  2. Number systems: grouping: Quantities can be grouped in different ways.

  3. Decimal system: The decimal system is base 10.

  4. Binary Numbers: 0 and 1: The binary system is base 2

  5. Video: Convert binary to decimal: This video demonstrates how to convert binary numbers to decimal

  6. Drill: Convert binary to decimal: Practice converting binary numbers to decimal

  7. Convert decimal to binary: This video demonstrates converting decimal to binary.

  8. Drill: Convert decimal to binary: Practice converting binary numbers to decimal

  9. Hexadecimal Numbers: Base 16: 4 binary digits can be represented by 1 hex digit.

  10. Decimal, Binary and Hexadecimal: Conversion table

  11. Converting Binary to Hexadecimal Converting Binary to Hexadecimal: This video demonstrates converting binary to hex.

  12. Drill: Convert binary to hexadecimal: Practice converting binary to hexadecimal

  13. Converting Hexadecimal to Binary Converting Hexadecimal to Binary: This video show how to convert binary to hexadecimal.

  14. Drill: Convert hexadecimal to binary: Practice converting hexadecimal to binary.

  15. RGB Colors: RGB stands for Red, Green, Blue. It is used to represent colors. Be sure to experiment with the sliders.

  16. Scientific notation: Very large or small numbers are often displayed in this format.

  17. How to Write Decimals in Scientific Notation

  18. What does e mean?

  19. Drill: Value of e notation: Practice writing e notation in normal format.

  20. A Magic Trick using binary numbers (PDF file to download): Just for fun, print on heavy paper, cut out and enjoy!

  21. Self Study Questions: What do you know about the number systems used in Computer Science?

  • Self Study Questions
  • Hardware +/-

    To learn about the different categories of hardware and how they assist your computing needs.

    Software +/-

    Understanding how software is used and developed

    Read the Lesson

    printable lesson
    1. INDEX (start here)
    2. Some necessary software

    3. Introduction to Excel

    4. Excel: Adding Equations

    5. Excel: Adding Graphs

    6. Open Office: Download Free productivity software : Free word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, and database

    7. Tutorials for learning Open Office: Learn Free word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, and database

    8. Google Docs: Sign up to use free online productivity software: Free word processor (Docs), spreadsheet (Sheets), presentation software (Slides)

    9. Format pictures in Word Format pictures in Word: Video on wrapping text around picture

    10. Alice: Introduction to Programming: Alice programs creates 3D Animation

    11. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

    12. Terms to know Terms to know

  • Self Study Questions
  • Artificial Intelligence +/-

    Be able to name some of the ways that artificial intelligence has impacted technology now and in the future.

    Careers in Computing and Technology +/-

    Be able to name some of the computer careers that are available now and in the future.

    Read the Lesson

    1. INDEX (start here)
    2. Best Computer Jobs for the Future: List of top jobs with salaries and requirements

    3. Computer and Technology Careers: This is a chart showing Occupation, Summary, Education, and Median Pay

    4. The 20 best tech jobs in America right now: Identifies careers with the highest overall job score, determined by weighing earning potential, job satisfaction, and number of job openings.

    5. Computer and Information Technology Occupations: Chart list occupations, summary, education and salary.

    6. What's your ideal tech job?: A fun quiz to see what tech job you are suited for.

    7. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

    8. Terms to know Terms to know

  • Self Study Questions
  • Glossary