Introduction to C#
Learn C# (C sharp) in FREE step-by-step lessons.
Introduction to C#
Create your first C# program
In this lesson you will learn what C# is. You will download and install Visual Studio Community 2017.
You will learn to to use the IDE (integrated development environment) and write your first program: Hello World.
C# is an object oriented programming language. It is used to write Windows programs that are GUI and event driven.
It’s WHAT???
GUI: Graphical User Interface (pronounced gooey): the user can make choices with the mouse rather than having to type everything. He selects icons, option buttons, command buttons, and other graphic images, or pictures.
Object: An object combines both data (properties) and events (procedures). You will build your program from objects such as forms, command buttons, scroll bars, text boxes, picture boxes and timers. Each object (or control) has properties such as a name, width, color, and font. You write code for events that may happen to the control. Some of the events that can happen include click on it, double click it, or move the mouse over it, the user types in a text box, or a timer goes off. Different kinds of objects have different properties and events associated with them. For example, scroll bars have maximum and minimum properties, a timer has an interval property. Text boxes have properties such as font, font color, and font size. Most properties can be changed at both design time and at run time.
Event Driven: When you run an event driven program, it continuously checks to see if an event has occurred. When an event occurs, any code for that event is executed, then the cycle of checking for another event continues.
In order to do this you will:
- Download and install Visual Studio Community) (or find a computer lab with it);
- Find the Microsoft guide to C#
- Know the basics of C#;
- Write your first C# Windows Form application;
- Add a picture to the form;
- Know what files are created in a project.
Please study the material at each of the links below.
Create your first Program: Step-by-step instructions for creating a C# windows form application
- The Menu: Describes the items you will see on menu after you start a C# project.
Your first Program: Hello World: Shows how to change the text and backcolor of the form at design time.
Adding Pictures in Hello World Program: Shows how to add a picture for the background and change some settings
Changing Pictures in Hello World Program: Shows some additional setting for the background image
Files in your project: Looks at the files that are created as part of a C# project and how to zip the entire folder.
- Active Learning: Review what you have learned: Suggestions for practicing what you have learned.
- Self Study Questions