alice introductionIntroduction to Alice 3

Introduction to Alice 3

Learn Alice in FREE step-by-step lessons.

Module 1: Introduction to Alice 3

The goal of this lesson is to download and install the latest version of Alice and run it.
You will learn how to navigate in Alice and learn about
some of the 3D models that you will learn to animate later in the course.

In this module you will install Alice and learn to navigate the user interface.

Download The complete how to guide


In order to do this you will:


Be sure to look at the glossary.

In order to do this you will:

Print the lesson

Please study the material at each of the links below.

  1. Installing Alice 3: Install Alice in Windows or Mac

  2. A Brief Tour of Alice A Brief Tour of Alice: Video Overview of the components in Alice
  3. A Gallery Tour A Gallery Tour: Video overview of the 3D models available
  4. Objects: Shows some of the main categories

  5. Substitutions for things you can't find Substitutions for things you can't find: You won't find everything you want.
  6. Crashing: Alice tends to crash, but there are steps to avoid frustration.

  7. Self Study Questions Self Study Questions: What have you learned?

  8. Discussion Questions Discussion Questions

Active Learning

Install Alice