Advanced Techniques: The finishing touches
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Module 18: Advanced Techniques: The finishing touches
Upon successful completion of this module you will be able to create more interesting movies that include scene changes, sound, panels, and text.
In this module, you will use several advanced techniques. In order to create interesting programs, you will add things like sound, text, background pictures, and other special effects. You will practice working with larger projects and designing, coding, and testing procedures. You will be using many of these techniques in your final project.
In order to do this you will:
- Implement markers to move to specific locations.
- Utilize vehicles to move two objects together.
- Add sound to an Alice project.
- Create billboards and camera positions to change scenes.
- Use text objects to create headlines.
- Write code that uses the argument asSeenBy to show movement through the eyes of another object.
- Create scene procedures and change the ground and visibility of objects.
- Adding transitions to scene changes
- Use camera markers to switch from scene on the left and one on the right.
- Add properties to a class.