Remind to save when selecting New.
On selecting new, first ask about saving (if changes), then clear text and filename
Remind to save when selecting New.
On selecting new, first ask about saving (if changes), then clear text and filename
Continue with the Notes Application.
Next we will write the code to implement New. The is a corresponding button on the toolbar and we will write the code to handle both events.
private void NewDocument()
// Delete everything from richtext box
// Remind to save.
Boolean cancel = AskToSave();
// If user did not select cancel, continue.
if (!cancel)
// Delete the contents of the rich text box.
richTextBox1.Text = "";
// Set the filename to untitled.
currentFileName = "Untitled";
// No changes so far.
changed = false;
// Show untitled in status bar.
toolStripStatusFilename.Text = currentFileName;
// Click both the new button and new menu item and write the code:
private void newToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Delete everything from richtext box
private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Delete everything from richtext box
Click Save All
at this point and run the program.