csharp pizzaRead the file and add the check boxes dynamically

Read the file and add the check boxes dynamically

Read the file and add the check boxes dynamically

We will read the toppings file into lists. Declare the following variable lists in the location shown:

public partial class Form1 : Form
   List<String> toppings = new List<String> { };
   List<Double> costs = new List<Double> { };
   List<CheckBox> chkToppings = new List<CheckBox> { };
   public Form1()

Write the code to read the topping file

private void getToppings(String filename)
  // Read one line at a time Example: sausage,2.00
  String line;
  // Parts will have "sausage", "2.00" after spliting line.
  String[] parts;
  // "2.00" must be converted to double 2.00
  Double cost,total=0.0;
  // Starting position for first checkbox is beneath cost
  int y = lblCost.Location.Y + lblCost.Width + 10;
  System.IO.StreamReader file =new System.IO.StreamReader(filename);
  // Read the file  line by line. 
  while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
     // split the line on the comma: "sausage,2.00"  becomes parts[0]="sausage"; parts[1]="2.00"; 
     parts = line.Split(',');
     // Add name to toppings.
     // Get cost and add to list costs
     Double.TryParse(parts[1], out cost);
     // Create a new check box and add it to the form and list
     CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
     // Add the new check box to the list:
     // Set the text of the check box. Example: Sausage $2.00
     chk.Text =parts[0] + " "+cost.ToString("$0.00");
     // Add the new chkbox to the controls on the form:
     // Position each checkbox so that it is under the previous one:
     chk.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, y);
     // Add the event for each check box so that when it is clicked the Control_click event is executed.
	 chk.Click += new EventHandler(Control_Click);
     // Increment y so that the next check box is under this one.
     y += 30;
private void Control_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Click Event for all of the controls
private void CalculateCost()
   // TO-DO later
For now, you can call getToppings from form load to test.