List Box Editor: Step 10, Order the List
List Box Editor: Step 10, Order the List
Order the List
The two buttons allow use to move the selected item in the list up and down.
Write the code as shown below.
private void btnUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Change the position by -1 example: Move from position 3 to position 2
private void btnDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Change the position by 1 example: Move from position 2 to position 3
public void MoveItem(int direction)
// Check if item can it be moved.
Boolean ok = true;
// Checking selected item
if (lstData.SelectedItem == null || lstData.SelectedIndex < 0)
ok = false; // No selected item - nothing to do
// Calculate new index using move direction
int newIndex = lstData.SelectedIndex + direction;
// Checking bounds of the range
if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= lstData.Items.Count)
ok = false; // Index out of range - nothing to do
if (ok)
{ // None of the errors above occured, move the item.
object selected = lstData.SelectedItem;
// Removing removable element
// Insert it in new position
lstData.Items.Insert(newIndex, selected);
// Restore selection
lstData.SetSelected(newIndex, true);
changed = true;
To Do:Make sure everything works!
Experiment:When the form is resized, make hte list box fill the area.
Complete code for listbox editor