List Box Editor: Step 8, Ask to Save
List Box Editor: Step 8, Ask to Save
Ask To Save
There are several times when we need to ask the user if they want to save.
- When they select mnuNew.
- When they select mnuOpen.
- When they select mnuExit, or try to close the program using the X at the top right corner.
Write the code for AskToSave as shown below:
private Boolean AskToSave()
// If there is no change to list don't ask, don't save, and don't cancel
DialogResult result= DialogResult.No;
if (changed)
result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save changes to " + currentFileName + "?", "Closing", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel);
// If they answer yes, write the file
if (result == DialogResult.Yes) writefile();
// Returns true if they selected cancel.
// Returns false if there has been no change.
return (result== DialogResult.Cancel);
To Do: Think about when you would call this.