csharpC# Glossary

C# Glossary

An About Box is one type of form that can be added to a program.

about box

In a program, there is sometimes an Algebraic expression that we want to write in C#.


Images and text should be aligned for a more professional appearance.


Properties (such as font color and size) selected for the form are the Ambient Properties and will used for any controls added to the form for a uniform look.


Arguments are values that are passed to a method.

Arithmetic Expressions are statements that perform a calculation. There are specific rules for the order the operations are performed.


An array is a list of objects, or other values.


This statement assigns a new value to a variable.


A Bézier curve is a parametric curve used in computer graphics.


Boolean values have one of only two values: either true or false.


A brush is used to draw solid shapes.


A bug is an error in a program. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing the errors.


Built-in Functions are ones that are part of a standard library, as opposed to those functions that you write yourself.


Check Boxes are the control with a Boolean value where the user can select as many as applicable. Compare to the RadioButton where only one in a group can be selected.


A class can be described as the blueprint or template for creating an instance of the class.

In C#, you can store values to the clipboard to copy, cut and paste.


There are two kinds of groups of objects in
C#: Arrays and Collections.


Color is a class that is a property of many objects. The background color of an object can be changed either in the design mode or by using code.


The Color Dialog is one of the Common Dialog controls. It is used to select colors.


Comments start with //. Comments do not change the execution of the program, but are a very important tool for programmers. They are one way of documenting your code.


The condional operator:? is a simplified alternative to if/else statements.


A Console Application is one that is text only instead of using a form.


A constant is a stored value that never changes. For instance, PI is a constant. Its value is 3.14159 and never changes.

A context menu is also called a pop-up menu.


Controls are placed on the form to create a GUI (graphical user interface). Some commonly used controls are buttons, text boxes, labels, scroll bars and check boxes.


Date Time is a class. It is commonly used to obtain the current date and time from the system clock.


Scroll bars can only select integer values, but Decimal values can be selected by dividing the value on the scroll bar.


Declaring a Variable means to create an instance of that type. A variable declaration must have the name and type and can also have an initial value.


Dialogs are the various types of windows and pop-ups that can be used to interact with the user. It includes message boxes and hte common dialog boxes.


Directory is a method that can be used to retrieve a list of files in a directory (folder).


A do loop is a control structure that always executes at least once because the test is at the end of the loop.


Double is a variable type that has decimal places. Money is always expressed as double values. Example: 0.25, 3.00, etc.

C# has a graphics class with extensive drawing capabilities.


Events are things that happen such as a user action with the mouse or keyboard, and also events such as a timer going off.


Event handling means writing code to specify what to do when an event (such as the user clicking the mouse) occurs.


When you create a C# project many files are created.


C# programs can read and write to files.


The Filter is used with the file dialog to specify the types of files to be selected.


Font is a property that can be selected for controls and for drawing.


The Font Dialog is one of the common dialog controls for selecting fonts and font properties


The for loop is a control structure that repeats a specific number of times.


The for each loop is a control structure that processes all of the elements in an array.


The form is a container where you will place controls in a Windows form application.


Form Load is the starting point for a Windows form application.


A function is a method. If it just performs an action it will have type void. Otherwise it will be declared with the return type.


C# has a graphics class with extensive drawing capabilities.


Global Variables are ones that are declared outside of an function. They are available throughout the program.


A hot spot is a control, often no t visible that displays information on mouse over.


Most modern programming environments allow you to create the program, edit it and run it from one application called the IDE Interactive (or Integrated) Development Environment. Older programming languages required you to work with several separate applications.

The if/else control structure lets you test a condition and execute one block of code if the condition is true and a different block of code (the else block) if it is false.


An infinite loop is one that is never going to end. The control structure while(true) is an infinite loop. It is also called an endless loop.


In programming, inheritance means that you can create a base class, such as a cube, and then derive another class, such as a Box, that inherits all of the properties of a Cube, but it is extended to have additional properties, such as a lid. In this example, Cube is the base class and Box is the derived class.

When you declare a variable of a class type, you are creating an instance of that class.

An integer is a whole number. The type int is one of the types that can be used in C#. (A number with decimal places is a double.) The number 3 is an int, but 3.0 is a double.

The list box is similar to the conbo box, the only difference is i nthe appearance.


A Login Form is one of the standard forms that can be added to a Windows Form Application.


The logical Operators AND And OR are used in a Boolean expression and written as && (and) and || (or).


A loop is a control structure that repeats the code in its block.


In Windows applications there is usually a Menu at the top of the form.


A Message Box is a standard dialog that appears in most Windows applications to issue warns, or ask simple questions.


Code can be written to handle mouse events such as move, mouse up, etc.


Names for controls should be descriptive.


When one loop is inside another loop it is said to be nested. For example: the outer loop may be for each student, while an inner loop might be for each quiz.


An object is an instance of a class.


The Order of operations for arithmetic operations is to do parenthesis () then *, / %, then + and - working from left to right.


Trying to access an element of an array that is beyond the size of the array causes an error.


Parameters are the rules for the values that a method receives. When you call a method, the values that you provide are called arguments.


Parse means to break a string up into significant parts, or to convert a string to a numeric type.


C# has extensive capabilities for printing, including print preview.


A procedure is a method that performs and action. The primitive procedures include say, think and move. You can write additional procedures such as run or swim.

All objects have properties such as width, height, color, opacity, and position as X, Y, and Z. You can change these properties using procedures, or retrieve their values using functions.

Pseudocode is English sentences that tell what you want the program to do. When you are designing a program, you may write the sentence "The ball bounces" but in the actual code you would move the ball up, then back down the same amount.

C# has a function that returns pseudo random numbers. Random numbers can be used to create games, and also to create simulations.


Regular Expressions is a way to specify a pattern for a string, and then checking strings to see if they match the pattern.


Relational operators are the ones that are used to compare two values: < (less than), > (greater than), == (equal), != (not equal), <= (less than or equal), >= (greater than of equal)

The % operator finds the remainder of two integers: 13%5 is 3.

If a function is not void, it returns a value. If you write your own function, the last statement must return a value.

To Scramble means to shuffle. Although functions to sort are built-in to C#, a function to scramble is useful for creating games.


A string is one of the types that is available in C#. A string is a word or sentence."Hello" is a string.


Substr is a built-in function used to extract a portion of a string.


Switch / case is a control structure for examining a variable for several different values.


The text box is for user input. It should not be used to display information.


A timer control can be set to go off at fixed intervals. Code can then be written to handle the timer event.


The tool box holds the controls that can be placed on the form. It is often hidden on the left of the work area.


A Tool Strip is a row of buttons that appear under the menu. The tool strip often has some of the same commands as the menu.


Tool Tips are the small word that appear on a control on mouse over.


Most classes have a toString method.


TryParse is used to convert a string to a numberic format.


In C# the type of a varaible can be int, double, char, bool, string, or a class such as Color.


A variable is a named location that can store a value. A variable can have a primitive type such as int (integer), or double, but the type can also be a Class such as Color or Form.

lesson, variables

A function that does not return a value has a return type of void.

A while block is a control structure that loops (repeats) while a condition if true. The statement while(count<5) will cause the block to execute until count is 5 or more. The statement while(true) will create an endless or infinite loop.
