csharp booleanBoolean Variables and Properties

Boolean Variables and Properties

Boolean values do not need to be compared to anything

Boolean Variables and Properties

Boolean values do not need to be compared to anything

Boolean Variables and Properties

If you have a Boolean variable or property, you do not need to compare it to anything to get a Boolean expression.
In this example, the checked property of a checkbox is used. A Boolean variable or property doesn't need to be compared to anything, it already has a value of true or false.

Example: This program has just one checkBox called chkRed.

 private void chkRed_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                this.Text = "Yes, red!";
                this.BackColor = Color.Red;
                this.Text = "No, you hate red!";
                this.BackColor = Color.Silver;

You do not need to say if(chkRed.Checked==true)...

Example: a variable declared as bool ready;

 if (ready) this.BackColor = Color.Green;