csharp arithmeticDecimal values on scroll bars

Decimal values on scroll bars

Value on scroll bar are intege, how to select decimal values

Decimal values on scroll bars

Value on scroll bar are intege, how to select decimal values

The value of a scroll bar can only be integer. Let's suppose you would like to write a program that lets the user select the cost of a meal and then displays the amount of tip.
We would like to let the user select an amount from 0 to $100.00.
The solution is to make the Maximum value of the scroll bar 10000.
When an amount is selected, the value is divided by 100 to give the desired values.

Start a new program and call it Tip. Build the form as shown in the illustration with the following names and properties:

Labels label:

lblInstructions with the text "Select the cost of the meal:"
lblCost with the text "$0.00"
lblTip with the text "Leave a tip between"
lblTip1 with the text "$0.00"
lblAnd with the text "and"
lblTip2 with the text "$0.00"

Horizontal Scroll Bar :

hsbCost with the following properties:

Write the code for the change event on the scroll bar:

private void hsbCost_Scroll(object sender, ScrollEventArgs e)
   // Tip is between 15% and 20%
   double cost = this.hsbCost.Value / 100; // divide value by 100 to get 2 decimal places
   lblCost.Text = cost.ToString("$0.00"); // format numbers to 2 decimal places
   double tip1 = cost * 0.15; // 15% tip
   lblTip1.Text = tip1.ToString("$0.00"); // format with 2 decimal places
   double tip2 = cost * 0.2; // 20% tip
   lblTip2.Text = tip2.ToString("$0.00"); // format with 2 decimal places
Notice that if the value selected on the scroll bar is 900, for example, cost will display as $9.00