aliceActive Learning: Final Project

Active Learning: Final Project

Rumplestiltskinriding hoodRepunzle

When you finish these lessons animate a known fairy tale, myth or folk tale. This is NOT a story that you make up. If you are having a hard time thinking of a story, check out this list from Wikipedia:

Nursery rhymes and stories such as "10 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" are not appropriate as they do not have enough scenes and interactions.
Check the requirements below to make sure you have enough plot, dialog and actions to meet the requirements.

The story of Jack and the Beanstalk is used as an example, so you may NOT use that story.


The animation must include the following features:

  1. It has at least six events and event handlers (keyboard, mouse, timer, etc.)
  2. Asks the user at least two questions and varies the actions according to the answer. (Do you want to go through that door?  Do you want to go right or left?, etc.)
  3. Instructions for navigating the story must be displayed in the world at the beginning or as they are needed during the story.
  4. You must use sub-parts to make your characters/props move more realistically.
  5. Your program is well designed and uses at least 5 procedures, each with a designated purpose and comments.  Two of those procedures must use a parameter.
  6. You have at least three scene changes.
  7. You have at least three camera changes with camera markers
  8. You use at least three object markers.
  9. You use an array somewhere in your world. (These could be used with your scene changes)
  10. You use at least three sounds/music.  If you use music, your world will get large fast. Only use small clips from songs and play them over and over if you want. Note that you must not use a clip longer than 30 seconds as that is a copyright violation. You can use audacity to clip a sound if you want. You could also record short sounds if you want.
  11. The story is complete: it has a beginning and ending with appropriate characters, props, and actions.
  12. There are at least two billboards with images, somewhere in your animation.
  13. All worlds must use appropriate material. No profanity, nudity, strong violence or anything else inappropriate.
  14. Your animation is at least 2 minutes long without endless loops.

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