Hello world! I'm talking about finding a total in Alice3. I have set up a scene and I have a teapot, a tea tray, and a teacup. What I want to do is ask the user, "How much did the teapot cost", the tea tray, and the tea cup, and add together all the values. But instead using a different variable for each of the items, I'm going to use one variable called cost. Make it double and give it an initial value. Then I have another variable that's going to be called total. It is also a double and I'm going to give it an initial value of 0.0 As I ask for the cost of each item, I am going to add it to the total, and keep a running total. So, we need to ask the user something. and I'm going to use an assignment statement and say cost equals something (???) and then I'm going to replace that value with the function getDoubleFromUser My prompt is going to be "How much did the teapot cost?" and then I'm going to get new value total: total equals something: total = total Select math and pick total + ??? (something) and I'm picking the cost down here: total=total+cost I'm going to take these two statements and copy to the clipboard, paste it, change my custom text to "How much did the tea tray cost?" Copy this to the clipboard, and bring it in and then I'm going to do it again. Copy to the clipboard, bring it in. but this time, I'm going to say "How much did the teacup cost?" Let's copy this to the clipboard. Then drag that in. So, this is what we've done here: we have two variables, we have cost and total That has a value right now of 0.25 It's important that the total be zero, this one doesn't matter, because we are going to get a value from the user before we use it for anything. but if you want , you can put in zero for that just to be sure. After we get the cost of the teapot we say total = total +cost that will take the current value of total add cost to it and store that as the new value for total. Then we ask "How much did the tea tray cost?" Get that from the user. Again total = total + cost will take the current value of total which includes the cost of the teapot add the cost, which is not the cost of the tea tray, and store that as the new value for total. Let's go back to procedures and have the teapot say, custom text string, "The total cost is " And then we want total cost plus something (???) and that something is going to be a double, we're going to select total for that. I'm going to keep the numbers really simple when I run it So it will be easy for me to see if it comes up with the right answer. So I'm going to say the teapot was 3 dollars, and the tea tray was 4, that should be 7 at this point and the teacup was 2 and that she give me a total of 9. That looks good. Let's run it again, just to be sure: "How much did the teapot cost?" 10 "How much did the tea tray cost?" 5 and "How much did the teacup cost?" 3 So that should be 18, and it is, so that looks good.